5 Ways to Surprise Your Partner/Spouse
Are you feeling bored at home during the pandemic? And has it made you want to do something new or different with your partner? Well, fret not because here are 5 delightful ideas that you can put to use to score the perfect day and spend some quality time with your loved one!
1. Plan A Surprise Trip
Who doesn’t love traveling? Plan a secret getaway trip with your partner and don’t tell them until the bags are packed and the plane is waiting for you guys. However, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a plane trip either.

You could plan a road trip to your nearest vacation-y location other than flying to another city or country. The easiest way to give both of you a break from your daily lives, work, and do something different is to go on a romantic trip.
2. Food Is the Way to Everyone’s Heart!
Food is the easiest way to please someone — especially mouthwatering homemade dishes :D. Cook their favorite dish before they get home and surprise them with a wonderful dinner waiting for them!

Another variation of this idea would be that you can plan and assign a whole day for you to cook, bake, and enjoy with your partner. You’ll just have to go to the grocery store to get the ingredients and other necessary stuff for the cooking process before you share the idea with your spouse.
3. Help Them Achieve A Goal
Maybe it’s something they’ve been talking about for a long time. Maybe it’s an activity that has been on their bucket list for a long time. Whatever the goal may be, you can simply come up with a plan to help them accomplish it.

If it’s skydiving, you can pay a visit to your nearest skydiving school or institution. If it’s to learn a new language, you can get them admitted to a place that teaches the desired language. You could also hire a private tutor to visit your home when your spouse usually has their free time. The latter-mentioned option is the more ideal one as it will help you maintain the social distancing due to Covid-19.
And to be an even more loving, caring, and supportive spouse, you can assist them with the activity. You can make flashcards to help them revise their lessons. You could also learn the language with your partner!
4. Visit Them at The Workplace
Now, when it comes to surprises, one of the sweetest surprises is to show up at someone’s office. Simply visit them during lunchtime or when they’re about to come home from work.

Come to pick them up and go home together and spend some time with one another before you go back home. You could visit the park, a food place, or just get a cup of coffee or tea each and talk about each other’s day.
And if you’re meeting with them during lunchtime, take some home-cooked food or pick up something from their favorite restaurant to add more to the thoughtful surprise!
5. Do Some of Their Work
It’s always nice to know that someone is there for you and is willing to help out whenever you need it. And it’s even more special when you realize that they went the extra mile for you.
Do some chores around the house, do some of their office work (if you can), or simply tell them to take a break while you finish up the work they’re doing.

Now, elaborating on the third idea, you could book a spa appointment, get them tickets to a movie they’ve been wanting to watch, or just plan a lazy Sunday to spend with each other.
Other than that, to add an extra spark of joy, you could buy a little gift for them too. It doesn’t have to be too extravagant; just something to act as a token of love and appreciation. Writing a letter or putting a few notes in a little box would also be very a very sweet thing to give to your partner before you two go on with your day.