Cradle Ceremony during covid times
Limited guests

Cradle ceremony is a way of celebrating the joy of a new born baby. The baby is given a bath then placed in the cradle. On this auspicious day, the baby is given a name by its parents. Women sing songs and the mother gets to whisper the baby’s name three times in its ear. People invite their family and friends and receive many gifts and blessings for the new born baby. Due to the outbreak of the covid, it has become difficult to host parties. However, if you follow the rules and maintain distance from each other, you could host parties. Invite very limited guests for the party and ensure safety. Since it is a cradle ceremony and a big day for both the baby and the mother, you need to be very careful. Make sure you have infrared thermometers to detect the body temperature. Although, you have invited limited number of guests, you should not take any chance that would affect the baby or others. The elders are supposed to honor the mother and her family, also, give loads of blessings to the child to always be happy and succeed in life. Counting from the first day the baby was born, it is celebrated on the 21st day.
No one touches the baby
Like always, the women gather around and sing songs for the baby. They usually touch the baby but this should not be allowed, especially during covid times. You do not want to take any risks regarding the baby. It is better if they stand at a far distance and shower their blessings. See that no one touches the baby’s mother as well. Both should be given proper care. It would be better if only the mother gets to touch the baby and place it in the cradle. If any other ritual needs to be done, it would be done by the mother itself. On this auspicious day, the baby is given a name by their parents and that’s what makes the party so special.
Go green

Going green defines to be environmentally friendly. It literally means and keeps your surrounding clean. This needs to be taken care of, for occasions like cradle ceremony. The cleaner the environment, the safer the people. Going green can be achieved through many simple ways. Your hands need to be germ free and clean if you are going to touch the baby. Wear a mask and use a sanitizer before taking any step. Even the mother needs to follow these steps. You need to make small changes to your environment for the baby to be healthy.
Blessings box
A Blessing Box can be a homemade box for the people to leave their gifts for the baby because you can’t take any chances or risks during covid times. Many people have lost their lives because of the virus. Few people do not even care to wear a mask or to be careful in such situations. So, you need to be prepared for this in advance by taking care of such things. This will make the invitees glad that they are able to gift the baby. Generally, this box is not used at parties but for citizens who would come forward to help for the people in need. However, you can create one and use it.